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Results using the search tool only include repair shops that are accredited by MPI.

  • MPI accredited repair shops are those with the required tools, equipment and infrastructure to meet MPI’s repair standards.
  • MPI’s accreditation of a repair shop is limited to the repair shop at the specific address that is published in the search tool.
  • Any shop not located at the specific address may not be accredited even if the shop has the same name as, or is affiliated with, an MPI-accredited repair shop.

Customers who choose to use a non-MPI accredited repair shop should know that:

  • MPI cannot verify that the repair shop has the required tools, equipment and infrastructure to meet MPI’s repair standards.
  • MPI may not cover all the costs associated with repairs completed at a non-MPI accredited repair shop.
  • The customer is responsible for any costs charged by a non-MPI accredited repair shop that are not covered by MPI.
  • The customer alone is responsible for addressing any concerns with the non-MPI accredited repair shop and the repairs completed.

Customers can contact MPI to confirm accreditation status of a repair facility.

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