Manitoba Public Insurance announced it has requested a 2.7 per cent overall rate increase for the 2018/19 insurance year in its general rate application filed with the Public Utilities Board today. If approved, the average passenger vehicle owner will pay about $29 more in premiums per year, or less than $3 per month.
“The overall premium revenue requirement for the Basic insurance program in 2018/19 results from an ongoing focus on fiscal prudence and cost containment, which results in a direct financial benefit for Manitoba rate payers,” Dan Guimond, president and chief executive officer of Manitoba Public Insurance said today. “Without these efforts, the indicated rate requirement would have been significantly higher at 7.7 per cent,” said Guimond.
“We recognize that our customers expect us to deliver comprehensive auto insurance coverage and service at rates that are predictable, stable and among the lowest in all of Canada. We believe this application continues to deliver on that mandate.”
This year’s rate application also addresses concerns over significant undercapitalization of the Basic Autopac insurance program by seeking to establish an adequately sized rate-stabilization reserve that can be used to absorb variations in revenues, claims costs and ongoing volatility in the financial markets, which affects investment income and future claims liabilities.
Also under the proposal, the interest rate forecast for rate setting purposes would be updated as at the end of November 2017 with final approved rates established through a compliance filing to the general rate application in December 2017 to take effect for policies effective on March 1, 2018 or later. Doing so will provide a better basis for interest rate forecasting for the 2018 insurance year.
“Our goal is to continue working collaboratively with the Public Utilities Board to reach consensus on these important issues, which will ultimately help to ensure the Basic insurance program operates on a self-sustaining basis for the benefit of all Manitobans,” added Guimond.
If approved, a total of 637,440 vehicles (excluding trailers and off-road vehicles) will receive a premium increase with 54.2 per cent of these vehicles increasing by less than $50 per year. Approximately 35.5 per cent of all vehicle owners will see no change or a decrease in premium over 2017/18 rates.
The average premium for the private passenger vehicle class will be $1,086.
While individual rates will continue to vary based on the type of vehicle being insured, vehicle use, rating territory, and driving history, the following overall rate increases have been requested by major vehicle class.
Major Use |
Applied for Rate Changes |
Private passenger |
2.7% |
Commercial |
1.3% |
Public |
1.1% |
Motorcycles |
2.7% |
Trailers |
11.4% |
Off-road Vehicles |
-16.7% |
Overall (applied for) |
2.7% |
The proposed rates will be effective March 1, 2018 but because renewal dates are staggered, some vehicle owners won’t pay the new rates until February 28, 2019.
Motorcycle Rates Increasing
The Corporation has requested a 2.7 per cent overall average increase to motorcycle rates. If approved, rates for 16.8 per cent of the motorcycle class will decrease or remain the same, while the rates for 83.2 per cent will increase. Of those increasing, 77.1 per cent will be increased by less than $50.
“If approved, the rates over the last five years for motorcycles will have decreased overall by 14.2 per cent,” said Guimond. “The Corporation works very closely with the Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups on topics relating to both safety and rates, and this collaboration continues to make a positive difference for all motorcyclists in our province.”
Driver Safety Rating Program
Changes are also proposed to driver licence premiums under the Driver Safety Rating program that will better align the premiums paid by high-risk drivers to the actual risk these drivers present to the insurance fund.
The intent is to create stronger financial incentives for dangerous drivers to adjust their driving behaviour, which in turn will improve road safety and benefit all road users. These changes are expected to increase driver premium revenue by $17.5 million.
If approved, the proposed driver premium increases will only impact drivers on the demerit side of the DSR scale and no demerit driver will face an increase in their 2018/19 driver premium compared to what they paid in 2017/18, if they qualify to move up on the scale because of an incident-free year of driving.
Annual Report
Manitoba Public Insurance also released its 2016 annual report this week. The Corporation reported a net loss from operations of $85.2 million. The Corporation’s overall claims costs increased by approximately $212.7 million compared to the previous year due primarily to actuarial adjustments and continued underperformance of interest rates which negatively affected claims reserves.
The increase in claims costs was partially offset by an increase of $61.8 million in revenues, an increase of $101.4 million in investment income, and a reduction in corporate operating expenses.
Last year, Manitobans filed an average of 1,220 claims every working day. This represents about $3.0 million in Autopac claims every working day.